Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Emerald Seaglass GBA ROM Hack
- Creator:Nemo622
- Version:3.0
- Hack of:Emerald
- Updated: September 21, 2024
- Language:English
- Status:Completed
Pokemon Emerald Seaglassis aGBA ROM HackbyNemo622 based onPokemonEmeraldinEnglish. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on September 21, 2024.
Table of Contents
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Emerald Seaglass GBA ROM Hack
Changelog – What’s New!
Useful Stuff
Previous Versions
Also, be sure to check outPokemon Enduring Emerald
Pokemon Emerald Seaglass reimagines the Hoenn region with a Game Boy Color-inspired aesthetic and exciting updates. Enjoy a complete visual overhaul, cozy graphics, and revamped battle backgrounds. All Pokémon from Generations 1-3 are obtainable, with added cross-generation evolutions and enhanced versions of weaker Pokémon.
Explore new minigames like Scuba Diving and Pinball, and visit Rustboro City’s Wishing Well to acquire random Pokémon using Wishing Stars. Experience quality-of-life improvements, a modernized battle engine, and optional Hard Mode for an added challenge. Discover all Legendaries and hidden secrets in this nostalgic yet innovative adventure!
- Complete Visual Overhaul: Enjoy a cozy, Game Boy Color-inspired aesthetic with revamped graphics throughout the game.
- All Gen 1-3 Pokémon and More: Catch every Pokémon from Generations 1-3, along with cross-generation evolutions like Roserade, Mamoswine, and Farigiraf.
- Tweaks to Underrated Pokémon: Underused Pokémon have been given exciting updates (e.g., Ghost/Flying Noctowl, Grass/Dragon Sceptile, Water/Fire Octillery) to enhance their viability.
- Modernized Battle Engine: Experience the latest mechanics, including the Physical/Special split and the Fairy type.
- New Minigames and Events: Participate in fresh activities, such as a Scuba Diving competition in Pacifidlog Town and Pinball games that unlock rare items and Alolan Eggs.
- Following Pokémon: Bring your Pokémon along on your adventure with a following Pokémon feature.
- Rustboro City Wishing Well: Use Wishing Stars in a gacha-like system to obtain random Pokémon, adding an element of surprise to your playthroughs.
- In-Game Cheat Codes: Access cheat codes directly through the Player’s GameCube, offering fun customization options.
- Adjustable Difficulty and Settings: Toggle Hard Mode, Soft Level Cap, and more by interacting with a book on the Player’s desk.
- Enhanced Battle Backgrounds: Battles now feature lively, improved backgrounds that add flair to every encounter.
- Unique Pokémon Typings: Certain Pokémon with traditionally “boring” types have been reimagined with new typing niches.
- Improved Battle Sprites: Enjoy updated sprites, thanks to contributions from the Substitube and SageDeoxys communities.
- Revamped HM System: HMs no longer take up move slots—once you obtain an HM and the corresponding badge, eligible Pokémon can use the move outside of battle automatically.
- Auto-Run Toggle: Press R to enable or disable auto-run at your convenience.
- Refined Tiles: Many tiles have been updated for a more polished appearance (with contributions from Arex on itch).
- Spiky-Ear Pichu: This special Pokémon is now obtainable, with better stats than before. Finding it is a fun Easter egg for those who explore!
- Quality of Life (QoL) Features: Options include disabling battle backgrounds for a GBC-like experience, turning off the soft level cap, and enabling Hard Mode for a greater challenge.
- All Legendaries Included: Discover and catch all Legendaries, many with expanded events. Some, like Mew, Ho-oh, and Lugia, are accessible before you face the Champion, adding excitement for both new and veteran players.
- Rustboro Wishing Well – Gacha System: Use Wishing Stars (found early or purchased later) to get random Level 1 Pokémon, adding replayability and variety to your playthroughs.
- New Events and Items: Unlock helpful items like the Shiny Charm and even encounter Pokémon from future generations, including Tinkatink and Applin!
REMEMBER: the in-game PokéDex has been upgraded to show a ton more detailed information about Pokémon, including evolution methods and movesets! Please remember to use it!
Changelog – What’s New!
Major Changes:
- New Title Screen background by hlf_dzn
- Protagonists are now Brendan and May!
- Sprites by goncas (Overworld Sprites) and Justin8964 (Battle Sprites)
- New Overworld Sprites for Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Team Aqua/Magma, and other important NPCs! (All created by the amazing goncas in our Discord community!)
- Reverted / updated some battle backgrounds
- Many new item icons by Glados11388
- NPC warning of possible Safari Zone bugs
Balance Changes:
- Light Ball works with Pichu, Raichu, and Spiky-Ear Pichu now
- Wild Pichu can also be found holding the Light Ball
- Spinda now learns Superpower (lv. 45) and Fiery Dance (lv. 37) (also gave it +5 HP)
- Aggron learns Dragon Dance (lv. 47)
- Farfetch’d learns Victory Dance (lv. 45)
- Tropius Special Attack +5
- Seviper Speed buff, Zangoose HP buff
- Drowzee and Hypno actually learn dark type moves now! lol
Bug Fixes:
- Removed Trainer name boxes to fix Pinball bug, sorry y’all
Major Changes:
- Followers can be disabled or manually set
- “FOLLOWER” option added to party menu
- “SET” and “UNSET” will set or remove the Pokémon as your “Preferred Follower”. When set, your preferred follower will always be following you, no matter the party order
- “RETURN” returns the follower to their ball, disabling followers in the overworld
- Hard Mode changes:
- Can now use both SHIFT and SET mode
- Cannot use Bag in trainer battles
- Now accessible through NPC running laps at Battle Frontier entrance
- Makes room for Follower option in party menu, so it had to move
- Trainer names in a cute little box on text window
- More item icons in GBC style by _glados11388
Balance Changes:
- Happily evolves into Chansey at level 15 (no need for Oval Stone)
- Ninjask type -> Bug/Dark type with secondary ability Sharpness (+ moveset changes)
- Ledian learns Victory Dance at level 38
- Tyranitar hidden ability -> Earth Eater
- Lanturn learns Tail Glow on evolution
- Venusaur learns Weather Ball, Sunny Day, and Ancient Power
- Ho-Oh ability -> Soul Heart
- Lugia ability -> Water Power
Bug Fixes:
- Double battles no longer occur with 1 Pokémon in your party
- Nasty Surprise ability (Drowzee/Hypno) now functional
- Developers note: Please please give this a try lol, it makes Poison Gas Hypno so fun
- Fixed Alolan Geodude following sprite
- Castform family now has consistent stat totals (80 across the board!)
- Fixed Yanmega shiny palette
Major Changes:
- Open Pokédex page for Pokémon from Party Menu! (Credit to RavePossum for the help!)
- Allows quick info about movesets, stats, etc.
- Match Calls no longer happen while DexNav is active
- Many new GBC-style item icons by _glados11388!
- Ongoing process, many items still in GBA style, but still a good step
Balance Changes:
- Paras/Parasect and Breloom now learn False Swipe
- Blastoise is now Water/Steel type
- Hypno is now Psychic/Dark type with new ability “Nasty Surprise”, which confuses poisoned foes
- Aggron is Steel/Dragon type
- Huntail is Water/Dragon type, Gorebyss is Water/Fairy type
(Note that most type changes also come with stat and moveset updates to match!) - Wide Lens now found on Route 120 (replaces Net Ball near water near Fortree)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Player Pokémon being overlayed with player at end of battle (sorry about that!)
Major Feature Changes:
- Battle Tent is BACK!! The bugs have finally been squashed!
- Also brings back Battle Factory, making Battle Frontier FULLY FUNCTIONAL!
- All Pokémon now have followers! (Added Annihilape, Farigiraf, Dundunsparce, and Tinkaton line)
- Mono-type Run Cheat Codes added:
- Gives a random, first-stage Pokémon of the type you choose
- Codes for each type are in documentation
- Also acts as a way to start with a random, unique “starter” Pokémon! 🙂
- Shiny indicator added in battle!
- Adds “!!!” mark next to wild Pokémon name
- EV/IV Stat Editor Implemented!
- Accessible in Party Menu
- Unlocks by visiting Battle Frontier
- I know this is late, but that’s the point! This is very overpowered lol
- Cave and Water DexNav encounters no longer “move around”
- Battle Backgrounds use fewer colors, fit game aesthetic better (thanks to PacoScarso!)
- Press “Start” leaves Pinball early
- On rare occasion where game totally bugs out, allows you to force-leave
- Option to disable K.O. animations in battle
- Can be enabled/disabled through book on Player’s desk, enabled by default
Balance Changes:
- Absorb has 30 power, Mega Drain has 50 power
- Bubble has 30 power, guaranteed decreases Speed
- Roxanne changes: Lileep has Absorb instead of Mega Drain, Anorith has Bubble instead of Water Gun
- Double Battles can now happen even if you only have 1 party Pokémon
- Meganium -> Grass/Fairy type. Evolution line hidden ability is Triage
- Typhlosion -> Fire/Ground type
- Feraligatr -> Water/Dark type
- Beating Juan (8th Gym) gives player Ice Beam, rather than Water Pulse
- Pokémon disobedience removed (potentially caused problems with gift/cheat Pokémon lol)
- Ekans now Poison/Dark type just like Arbok
- Magmarizer in Jagged Pass, Electirizer in new Mauville
- Eviolite now prevents evolution (like Everstone) and very slightly boosts attacking power
- Loaded Dice and Toxic Orb available from Pedro in Petalburg after Gym 7
- Eviolite and Flame Orb available from Pedro in Petalburg after Gym 6
Bug Fixes:
- Sootopolis water tile bug should be fixed?
- Calculation is complicated, but odds are notably higher than ORAS when hitting higher chains with the DexNav
- Starter Pokémon should no longer be shiny locked!
- Cycling through Stats/EVs/IVs by pressing A now has correctly colored stats based on nature
- Roxanne switching Lileep for same Lileep maybe fixed, cannot replicate
- Included in this fix, many stupid/annoying constant switching loops should be fixed
- Followers no longer invisible after “Too dark” DexNav message in caves
- DexNav cave dust effect no longer bugs out and disappears (replaced with new graphic)
- Also seems to fix some DexNav stability problems in caves in general
- Cycling Road no longer mentioned by trainer in Route 110
- Maxie fight with Mossdeep should be fixed
- Removed multi-battle with Steven, instead just a double battle with Maxie
- Fixed Pinball Points number dialogue
- Victory Road collision fix
- Petalburg Woods warp fix
- Shiny Ralts fix
- Fallarbor softlock fix
- Typos fixed
- Not a bug, but I replaced the Feraligatr sprite with the beta one 🙂
If you’d like to support Pokemon Emerald Seaglass’ development, consider donating to the creator on their Ko-fi (linked in the Useful Stuff section). Donations help cover costs for art commissions and other purchases needed for the project, but there’s no pressure to contribute!
Useful Stuff
Previous Versions