The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


1.70 CLEVELAND ND DAILY 4 PLAIN '1 DEALER. 402 New Advertisem*nts. DRY GOODS. as in HOSIERY HOSIERY! No one certainly feels like buying OLD SHOP WORN GOODS AT COST when for the same or even money they may buy from a NEW FRESH STOCK. E.1.

Baldwin Co. invite attention to the following extra bargains in their a v. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ladies' Iron Frame, full regular bleached and brown, at $3.00 per dozen, or 250 per pair; six months ago cost $3.60 per dozen. Ladies' Iron Frame, extra full regulars in bleached and b'eached at $3 60 per dozen, or 31c per pair; same quality brought $4.00 per dozen last season. No.

515 Brown Balbriggan, extra quality, per box, or 50c a pair. Also extraordinary bargains in plain ani fancy Half Hose. Our assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Fancy Hose is not equaled for variety or LOW PRICKS. We have all the novelties of the season. For bargalns in Hosiery call on E.


HERENDEN FURNITURE CO. Call the attention of the publio to the fact that no class of goods has depreciated so much in value the past year as FURNITURE and that they are manufacturing and buying. goods for cash only, and are retailing the same at a very small margin above the actual cost of produotion. That they can show a larger stock than that carried by the other city dealers combined, and purchasers can effect a great saving by ealiing at 114 and 116 Bank Street. DRY GOODS.

TIE ATTRACTION AT lower ligbee's TO-DAY WILL BE AN ELEGANT STOCK OF COLORED SILKS OF WHICH THEY WILL MAKE A DISPLAY NEVER BEFORE EQUALED IN THIS CITY, Embracing every color and shade, nt prices from $1.25 to 82.50 per vard. HOWER HIGBEE. ap3 SALE. THE Cuvahoga STATE OF County, OHIO, ss. SALE.

to the of alias order of sale directed to me from the Court of Common Pleas for said County of Cuyahoga in the cause of Sarah F. Wade, plaintiff, and Charles Hornsey, Sarah HornBey, Johnson, Lewis W. Ford, John Lowe, James Brody, Martia Johuson, Ca vin Johnson, Lavins Johnson, minors; Cleveland Iron Kinsman Street R. and Mary Fenn, defendants, 1 shall proceed to sell at public auction at the of south Cleveland, door or the County Court House in the City in said County, on -Saturday, the 6th day of May, A. D.

1876, between the hours of two and three o'clock of said day, the following described lands and ements to-wit: Situated in the township of Middleburgh, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio. and is known as wit: Turnpike Lot No. 13 and bounded as follows, on the S. Beginning in the canter of the turnpike read posite a W. take corner of Turnpike Lot No.

12 opand stones, standing north 29 degrees west distant from the center of the road and fifty Links therefrom; thence south 614 west links along to the center road 13 chains and 39 stones the great bend, so called, to a stake and tor and north 614 30' west from the standing mouth west along Jinks the distant center therefrom; thence fifty-one chains and 50 links opposite a of said 12 standing north 50- W. 50 links stake therefrom; and stones north wast 50 chains to thence east 32 chains and 23 links stake; to thence north stones; thence north 614 east 9 chains a stake and links to a stake and stones; thence and 80 east 53 chains and 54 links to the south ning, containing 128 acres, be the place same of more less, but suoject to all legal highways. or Appraised at $18,000 00. Terms of sale cash. FELIX NICOLA, PRENTISS, BALDWIN Master Commissioner.

torneya. FORD, Mary A. Fenn's Atapre-30t ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. offer -Notico sale is here.

auction, upon the premises, in East at Cleveland, public on Saturday, the 6th day of May, 1876, day, the the hours of 10 a. and 4 p. m. of that between to following described personal property, sisting The of the Furniture of Brussels the Euclid Avenue House, conthree halls; the parlor Carpets furuiture of eight complete rooms of and parlors, the furniture complete of five bed rooms three whole three servant's rooms, the gas and house, the furniture, complete fixtureg of din- the 1pg complete room, of a kitchen bar, and one laundry, the furniture, etc. sections, and many other annunciator articles of with furniture its to make a complete outat for a hotel.

apr54mW S. O. ARISWOLD. Assignee of A. Gillette.

ATTACHMENT. Carey, Pit'f, P. In Justices Court before Joseph Walter Griffin, Def't. Green, Cuyahoga J. P.

county, Cleveland Obio NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT above entitled of cause by attachment said was Justice for in the on the 31st day of $53.75 same will be for hearing March, stay 1876, and the o'clock a 20th, 1876, at 9 By MIX, NOBLE WHITE, JOSEPH CAREY, 4th, 1876. his Attorney. apri-3w A Cleveland Plain Dealer. DAILY TRI-WEEKLY -AND WEEKLY. all his chances, you know.

AT last the Count of Paris, who is Official Paper. of the City. THE O. A. order has silently stolen into Dayton, and placed that city in the hands of the radicals.

THE Democrats of. Connecticut have gained largely in the Legislature. Last year their majority on joint ballot was 28, this year it 19. 87. That will do.

THE Democrats havo gained enough through the State, on the vote of last fall, to satisfy the most incredulous that HAYES cannot carry Ohio for the presidency. Delano's administration of the Interior Department is to investigated. That will pan out rich, and some prominent Ohio Republicans conspicuously be. fore the country. MORE trouble is upon the Pacific Mail They owe a.

large sum to the Panama Railroad Company. The latter is tired of waiting. It, therefore, issues an order that hereafter no Pacific mail freight shall be shipped over the line unless paid for in advance. In consequence of this order the steamers of the company are indefinitely tied up to their wharves in New York, and all workmen heretofore employed about them have been discharged. As WE.

write the sun is trying to shine, and trying to give things 8 springlike aspect, for it is the Afth of April, and if you look into the almanac you will see, under the April head, the honest old farmer singing after his plow, and children rolling over the sward, or plucking wild flowers; but alas, the storm flag is flying, something terrible 19 no doubt getting ready to swoop upon us. We can't complain, because we had spring all winter, and might have danced around a May pole on New Year's day; but it is unseasonable, and the constitutional grumbler improves writing a history of our civil war, has found a sharp critic in the person of General JORDAN, formerly a staff officer in the Confederate army. The Count has replied in a long letter, in which he admits that he may have made mistakes, but asks how he could help True; how could he? And this suggests how nearly impossible it is for a truthful and just history of the great conflict to. be written in our day. Not till all the data on both sides can be collected and weighed, and the heat and bias, sure to swerve the scales now from a true balance, are eliminated from the nar.

rating mind, can we bave the history of the rebellion. The reply of the Count of Paris is suggestive. A WASHINGTON correspondent says that General BALco*ck begins to show signs of the wear and tear of anxiety. It is rumored that he is to be removed from the place of Superintendent of Public Buildings and Engineer of the Aqueduct. "The House Committee of Appropriations, in discussing the provisions of the appropriation required for the completion of the Navy and War Departments, proposed to make it with tho stipulation that General BABco*ck shall not have anything to do with the expenditure of the money, nor with any other to be made in the District, as heretofore, under the Superintendent of Public Buildings and grounds, and will provide that it shall be taken in charge and disbursed by the Secretary of the Treasury, through the Supervising Architect." in Monday's election in this They THE Republicans swept the board clean had everything their own way.

The revolution is complete so far as this election could possibly accomplish it. The Democratic mayor remains, but shorn of all his power. -Herald. Yes; but what have you got to say about it? It must require considerable check for the Herald to bring out double leads over the Democratic defeat. The Republicans have carried the city, but by the very means that the Herald pretended to reprehend and oppose.

When the Herald gent found that he had' really down' off the fence, the other day, he was dreadfully frightened, and biz legs ghook so that he could hardly climb back again. We shall not see our neighbor away from that fence again very And now the Leader walks around on the ground and carries the whip. Tue Ilouse on Tuesday, after debate, retained in the general appropriation bill the provision reducing the President's salary to the old figures, $25,000 per annum, after the fourth of March, 1877: The motion vas made that the provision be omitted and the postponed until action could be had on the special bill. to this end, which has already passed the Senate; but Mr. RANDALL iuterposed the well taken objection that the President would probably veto that measure were it presented to him for his signature.

The Democratic members were reminded that they were elected on a pledge to economize the public service. There is scarcely a tenable argument that CAn be opposed to the proposed The increase was part and" parcel of the in. famous salary grab. Experience has shown that' $25,000 is enough; the fact that LINCOLN and JouNsoN saved money out. of their salaries proves as much.

The essayed restoration of the President's pay to the old amount commands the approval of all good It is not a partisan move. THE exquisite painting of Prodigal Son," now on exhibition at Case hall, must be seen to be appreciated: The following is from a beautiful description of the picture: "The youth, the central figure in the great painting, becomes almost a living being, and the spectator becomes lost in the sceno which encompasses the misguided young man. Every face in the painting has its individuality, and 'here, as skill well as in the posing, the, marvelous of the artist is conspicuously shown. Contrast the young and beautiful face of the Prodigal, or the intellectual face of tle poet, with the hardened, sin-furrowed face of the gambler, or the pleading and earnest face of tho female who seeks to stay, the reckless youth in his mad carousing, with those of the syrens who beckon him on toward group--the pleasure and vice. Each separate Prodigal and his near companions, of abandoned revelers, gathered beneath the shadows of the portico, girls the and poet the and his listeners, the dancing picture knot of gamblers of great power in itself, and yet one of must the feel the unity and consistency whole." OUR WASHINGTON LETTER.

The 4 Old Salts' of the Houses and Lyon- Mr. Robbing and His Twenty Dollars -Bell, the DetectiveA Remarkable Reunion-Titiens and the President -The Exquisite From Our Lady Correspondent. WASHINGTON, April 3. Diflicult as it must have been for the clerks of the signal corps to make any note of the exceedingly capricious freaks of the weather, that task seems easy compared with the attempt to comprehend the "doins" in political matters. A man who is supposed to be honorable comes forward with the squarest assertions; he swears that his statements are exactly trustworthy, and he no sconer leaves the stand, than another gentleman taking his place, solemnly assumes the oath and emphatically denies every word previously stated.

St. Paul avers that "an oath for confirmation is the end of all strife." Deluded man! he couldn't forsee these days when oaths contradict each other as forcibly as the simplest statements. No one guesses how many sides there may be to any topic till it has been broached in Congress, or how jealously these gentlemen watch for opportunities to show their superior knowledge of affairs. On Saturday Mr. Reagan, of the Committee on Commerce, introduced a bill regulating certain matters in regard to I've been reading the record of the debate' and it seemed very funny for a party of landsmen to make rules about the proper sailing of No doubt they had consulted all authorities within their reach, but a party of sailors having studied Jefferson's Manual would be quite as capable of conducting a Congressional debate as these gentlemen are to make laws for the ocean.

The way in which the terms "starboard," tilarboard," "leeward," "her course," were mixed was fearful. A member who thought he comprehended lake navigation had his views; a gentleman from Maine aired his knowledge; Sayler, Ohio, thinking his family name qualified him to speak made a few feeble remarks son, sailing, while Mr. Reagan stuck to his text as religiously as any parson of the olden time, who used to reach his twenty Mr. without losing sight of his wears a stern Reagan face; is he a remarkable He smiles; he is busy overy minute devoting his life to the consideration of iraportant subjects, and showing an amount of persevering energy possessed by very few. His manner in debate is ponderous as his person; his voice has a husky roughness which makes it.

unpleasant, and he has an aggressive fashion of stating cases which provokes instant apposition. That suits him. A contest is a delight; you may think him effectually settled by some telling shot, but like the fabled Titans he finds fresh strength and courage in every overthrow, returning to the charge with an obstinacy which wears out an antagonist. Texas has the greatest faith in Mr. Reagan, and Mr.

Reagan having an eye to Senatorial honors missed two years ago, intends that Texas shall be perpetually reminded of his ability. So we shall doubtless hear from the gentleman frequently. GEN. SCHENCK. The examination of Gen.

Schenck has been conducted in searching fashion, but the principal witness against him makes one think of a very bad pun upon his name. Acoording to various gentlemen who have been familiar with Mr. Lyon's antecedents Mr. Lyon is very capable of lying. The General has made 8.

favorable Impression upon the Committee, and I'm not sure but the country at large will forgive his apparent complicity in the Emma Mine more readily than the good people will pardon his writing out the rules for poker playing. The General feels keenly. the imputation upon his honor and says that public opinion in England was far more in his favor than it is here. There, people were anxious for his exonoration, here, there seems an insane hope for his That a man's innocence should be established seems in these days no matter of rejoicing; we accept the verdict of acquittal with a feeling of disappointment and are half sorry the anticipated sensation is denied us. One little instance when injustice has been willfully done came under my knowledge: Mr.

Robbins, of North Carolina, has been accused of selling his vote in the Senate of that state for $20. The pitiful sum would seem to be enough to show the falsity of the story, but it has been repeated again and again, When Senator Morton was accused of connection with the Emma Mine he explained that his position in the affairs was entirely that of a private attorney, that he had a right to the large fee received for his services, and the newspapers dropped the matter, In 1SUS Mr. Robbins openly avowed his intention to vote for a certain measure, though the man to be benefited was his political antagonist. Just before the vote was taken, when his attention was absorbed this man came to him, thanking him for his known advocacy of the measure, and stated that he desired to retain Mr. as his lawyer.

The matter was a small one and the retaining fee offered was $20. In the confusion of the moment Mr. Robbins failed to consider that but such it a did course occur to would him expose within him to censure, a few minutes, aud he returned the money at once, making the would be client his enemy. When the accusation was made publicly he told the simple truth, That it did not injuriously affect him among his constituents, has been amply proven, since they sent him back to the state Senate at the very next election, and have twice since elected him to Congress! Why should the word of Mr. Morton weigh more than the recorded facts in Mr.

Robbins' his-. tory? Yet out of just such flimsy material are made the incossant attacks upon prominent Great interest is felt and expressed in regard to the disclosures of Bell, the detective. If his sworn depositions are worth any notice whatever there will be dismay at the White House. But the badge of secret service is not desirable one, and any man willing to do the work required, willing to spy and plot and intrigue, must be so far gone from original righteousness that his assertions ought not to go for much anyway. Suppose our family affairs have been sadly mismanaged; suppose some of the children are dreadfully bad boys, is it quite pleasant to make our misfortunes a theme for the world's scornful jesting by our own report of our dishonor? A REMARKABLE REUNION, 7 There was a jolly dinner party here awhile since, where six old men with six ladies met to commemorate an event which occurred forty -eight years ago! Boys then, they started on their first cruise, sailing from Hampton Roads in the U.S.

ship Delaware. Fancy the way in what which time they had studied eagh other's faces, noting written there. Of the six gentlemen Powell, Pone and Lee are now retired Rear Admirals, while Drake, retiring from the navy and studying the more devious ways of the law, has guined the position of Chief Justice of the Court of Claims. The party was a charming one for each man roverbauled his log" for amusing incidents, and Judge Drake wrote a most interesting account of the whole affair. Youth has its gayety and its dreams, but the memiores of a happy life must be far more precious than any think so.

-I found Progray hair this morping. fauciful anticipations. lt's just as well to TITINS. is to sing in Norma to-night. The rains are descending and the floods are coming, but so many reserved seats have been sold that peoof paying for a ticket and using It is one ple will I go in spite of discomfort, The idea which never would outer a well-regulated American mind.

Last evening, Madamo Titiens called upon the President and paid him the compliment of singing for his personal delectation. She is so tremendous, personally and vocally, that is emphatically required for enchant, icent. The newspapers praise her operatic performances, but she certainly made a failure when she appeared in concert last fall. 4 CONKLING'S FASTIDIOUSNESS. 2 A funny little incident concerning Senator Conkling came to my knowledge to-day.

He was dining at sitting alone at his table. A gentleman, who knows him intimately, passed down the dining room, and not having seen bim since the New York convention, my friend stopped to offer taking a vacant chair beside Mr. C. The congratulations were accepted, but there WAS Hot tho usual. warmth manifested in the succeeding chat; the Senator had evidently something unpleasant upon his mind; he fidgetted with his napkin, toyed with his fork, longingly at the dainties before him but never touched them.

Finally, looking up with a disgusted face, he my 1: friend, excuse me, but--you are saturated with nicotine!" Of course my friend departed, instanter. How in the world with such exquisite sensibilities has the honorable gentleman endured the sights and smells and general abominations of Mr. Slumkey when told there were twenty Do you remember in Pickwick ek the agony of men at the door with whom he must shake hands, twenty respectable women to whom he must speak hindly and twenty babies to be patted upon the head! Mr. Slumkey heroically carried out the entire programme and kissed one of the babies! Fancy Mr. Conkling's agony if the only way to the White House lay through such honors.

ANNA S. H. THERE are over eight thousand men in Cleveland who vote the' straight Democratic ticket, and they are not to be brow. beaten, over-ridden, or frightened. They will keep up their organization and fight on -fight ever! 10 ELECTION RETURNS.

Democratic Gains in Connecticut. HARTFORD, April total vote of the state on Monday, with only the town of Salem to hear from, nay which last year WAR 77 Republican to. Democratic, is 98,000. The total vote last year was 983. Total, Robinson, Ingersoll; Smith, Atwater, InThe gersoll's majority, plurality, 7,414 Senate stands 18 Democrats.

and 3 Republicans, Democratic gain of 1- from last The Lower House, including two towns electing one representative each, results from which are estimated, stands 85 Republicans. 159 Democrats and 2 Independents. 'Last year it a stood 107 Republicans, 136 Democrats and 1 Independent, Democratic gain, 22. Democratic majority on joint ballot, 87. DAYTON, April the election yesterday the largest vote ever polled at any election was cast." The Republicans elected their mayor by 156 majority.

They also council elected and several city officers, the city school board, revolutionizing the city politically. The Republicans are jubilant. ATCHINSON, April 4. -The electhe election of the entire Republican ticket tion here to day for city officers resulted in and three out of four councilmen. Last year the Democrats elected their entire ticket except mayor.

TOPEKA, April the city election -day the Republicans elect their mayor and probably all their city ticket. Sr. PAUL, April the city election at Minneapolis, Aimes. Nemocrat, was elected over Brockett, Republican, by over 300 Twoladies, Mrs. Charlotte 0 VanOlews and Mrs.

Charlotte the Republican ticket in Democrat wards. Winchell, were elected school directors on ST. Laura, April 4. -The election to day for school one alderman from each ward, eight directors and board of thirteen tion freeholders of to devise a plan for the separa the city from the county and framing a new city charter, passed off very quietly and only part of the returns are yet in, but enough is known to indicate the election of a majority of Democrats and Independent Democrats as aldermen, and what 18 known as the People's Freeholders' ticket. The school directors are probably eQually divided, but the board will continue Republican.

The other Freeholders' ticket was selected at ing of the I Democratic and Renublican county committees, politics being entirely ignored in the matter. Four of the candidates were on both tickets, Politics did not enter very largely into the canvass, and there were an unusual number of inde pendent candidates in the field, several of whom were elected. OMAHA, April municipal election resulted in the choice of four Democrats and two Republicans for aldermen. The board of education is pretty equally divided, though no special effort Was made by either party, the people generally voting for the best men. LITTLE ROCK, ARK, April city election passed off to-day.

There was considerable excitement. The Democrats elect the city treasurer without opposition and three outof the six nominees for aldermen; one ward is doubtful two Independents are elected. The Bonanza Production. The San Francisco correspondent af the Baltimore Sun says: The great Bonanza mine, Known as Consolidated Virginia, has produced in the last month of thirty days three millions of dollars-40 per cent. gold and 60 per cent.

silver--say twenty-one millions for one year, with certainty of continuance. "The California," next north, is opening out on the same bonanza, with yet richer ore and double capacity for working. It will during this year, probably in August, be in full work. The product of silver will then exceed forty millions a year, to which add thirty millions from the one hundred other mines in the states of Nevada, Utah, Ari zona, Colorado, and it will strike you that it will be impossible to check the growing disparity of value between gold and silver. The writer then goes on to make this calculation: If the Bonanza, besides having a length of 1,200 feet on these two mines, with a width of over 300 feet and a depth unknown (but probably hundreds of feet or yards), extends for more than a mile, as geologists predict, every year, may double the proproduction.

The great bonanza kings, believing in this extension, have bought controlling interests in eleven mines, all connected in a line along the direct course of the vein, and all having more or less explorations, aggregating millions expended, and all giving promise of out on the great Bonanza. In all range of the vein may be two and a half miles, with ad average of 1,500 feet of ground above the Carson river. mine north of the Galifornia. the The Ophir Mine is the next extensive year expires it is expected to be working its share of the Bonanza. This mine is a favorite stock among speculators.

It isthe leading one of the Stock Exchange. Sent ators Jones and Sharon control nearly one half of the mines; -including Ophir, that are presumed to be on the Bonanza; Flood, O'Brien, Fair'and Mackey the other half. Chandler 'Reforms Some More. Washington Letter to the St. Louis Times.

1 1: It is a long time since I have had occasion to advert to my old friend, Z. the eminent reformer of the Interior Department. The last thing Delano did as he vanished from the Cabinet was to appoint Joe Dwyer to a clerkship, the duties of which consisted of packing conventions and drawing salary. Joseph is known to all men as a fellow whose legs are so short he has ta ga dawn stairs side-ways to keep. from knocking his brains; out against the next step above.

But he was a -great power in the Republican party of Ohio in those days when Delano. was a leading statesman. "The other day Charley Foster, who is Reformer, and who never fails to bounce the residuary parasites of Delano wherever he finds them, went up to the Interior Department and informed the venerab'e Michigander, the Reformer, of the status of DryEr. O. Tang his little bell for the appoint ment clerk.

"Is inquired the venerable Michigander. 6.0 "He is," replied the clerk. said Z. C. Thus my old friend the er, extirpates the lingering remnants of his evil predecessor.

She was a pretty girl, nicely dressed, and she sat diagonally in a rear corner of the street car, occupying about two seats. Another lady came in, and turning herself sideways, sank into a 3wan-like dip across the three ajoining seats. young lady in the corner looked at the other's back, and sniffed with her left nostril; looked at the languld contempt of the attitude, and sniffed with the other nostril; then regarded the lady's costume, and finding elegant, eniffed with both nostrils. Beginning to get mad, ehe rubbed her nose violently, Arst with the second joint of the ger, and subsequently with her handkerchief. Slowly their eyes met.

One flashed undying hatred and scorn; the other irradiated lofty pity and They had never met before, and now they met only for a moment What bad happened? We give it up. Cincinnati Commercial. 13. A Touching Rhyme. The following touching rhyme of the lar twelve air: politicianers 4 is to be sung to a popuTwelve politicianers on the road to heavenColfax went to t'other place and then there were eleven.

Henry Eleven Clews' politicianers -very pious men-1 were goose was cooked and then there ten. Ten politicianers, cutting a Black Friday swallowed Richardson and then there were Nine Williams politicianers at the' White House gatebought a landaulet and then there were eigbt. Eight politicianers soda wouldn't leavenInterior gripes killed Delano and then there were seven. Seven politicianers, in a "crooked" fix-. Babco*ck there stole the Pierrepont note and then were six.

Six Schenck politicianers still alivethere stuck in the Emma mine and then were five. Five Belknap politicianers tumbled feeling very soreWere four, in a Marsh and then there Four Orvil politicianers, bad as bad could bethere took a black(mail) draught and then were three. Three Robeson politicianers, looking rather blue-: were eat a big co*ck-Roach and then there Two politicianers having no more funCreswell was one. ran against a post and then there One Took a politicianer, term nearly donecoffia as a gift and then there wero none. OHIO LEGISLATURE.

4 SENATE. -The following bills were passed: Mr. Night's House bill to authorize the commissioners of Lawrence county to expend $10,000 for a children's home without submitting the question to a vote. Senate bill by Mr. Brown, of Ross, to require railroad companies to make their reports to the Railroad Commissioners in June instead of December, as now.

Mr. Kent's Senate bill compelling millers to with brand their all full barrels name. or sacks containing flour Mr. McLean's House bill fixing the rate of state taxes. tion Mr.

of obscene Rukenbrod's bill to forbid the circulaliterature. Mr. Commis Lewis' Senate bill to authorize the oners of Cosbocton county, to sell purposes. and purchase real estate for infirmary to amend Senate the bill by Mr. Haines of Carroll, bastardy act so as to require the the accused support to give of the bonds child.

with good security for Senate bill by Mr. Brown of Lucas, to until amend next the January. mechanics lien law, was postponed thorize -Ar. Barnett's House bill to auHOUSE. land the trustees of Sharon township, Richgeneral county, fund, to transfer certain moneys to the was passed.

five Mr. Daw's House bill dividing the state into judicial districts, and directing the Supreme Judges to hold distriet court, was indefinitely postponed. Mr. McLaine, from the Committee ou Fithe nance, reported the 'appropriation bill with Senate amendments thereto, which were not ther concurred in: reconsidered, and the furuntil to-morrow consideration of the same was postponed morning at ten o'clock. Mr.

Bogardus' House bill to authorize the to trustees of tax for Wakeman township, Huron county levy a special bridge purposes was passed. Mr. Lewis' Senate bill to authorize the trustees of Tuscarawas township, Coshocton build county, to issue bonds and borrow money to town hall was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Sherrick's House bill amending the road law, so as to reduce the compensation allowed for making roads, days in each year, from three dollars to two dollars and fifty cents.

law Mr. as to Tryon's forbid House bill to amend the game the killing of quail until November 15th, 1877; to remoye all restrictions relative to wild geese; to extend the notice with system to uninolosed lands, and to do away restrictions as to the character of the notice was passed. COLUMRUS, April 4. Impeachment. Impeachment.

The following parts have been assigned to the managers in the impeachment trial of W. W. Belknap before the Senate: Jenks On and rules Reprosentatives Lord, Lynde, Hoar. On pleadings--Representatives Knott, McMahon and Jenks. tives On jurisdiction of the Senate -RepresentaLord, Knott and Hoar.

'The opening will be by Representative On the preparations for trial of the fact examination of witnesses -Representatives McMahon, Lynde and Lapham. On questions of law on trial of fact -Representatives Lynde, Jenks and McMahon. On: the fiual submission -Representatives Lord, Knots and Lapham. Each manager is to sum up the case if permitted, or each may hand in and have printed, with the proceedings, his arguments. Miasma Rendered Powerless, 1 The most certain way to render powerless the miasmatic vapors which produce chills and fever and other malarious disorders, is to fortify the system against them with that matchless preventive of periodic fevers, Hos tettor's Stomach Bitters, The remedia operation of the Bitters is no loss certain than their preventive etfects, and they may be relied upon to overcome cases of fever and ague which resist quinine and the remedies of the Dyspepsia, constipation, bilious complaints, rheumatic ailments, and general debility, likewise, rapidly yield to their regulative and tonic influence.

They are an incalculable blessing to the weak and nervous of both sexes, an excellent family medicine, and the best safeguard which the traveler or emigrant can to an unhealthy climate. 7. Spicy breath, teeth white and speckless Fragrant SOZODONT secures; Ladies, can you be so reckless As to fail to make them yours? Aged 73 years. t. 'BOOTS, SHOES.

NC. A Cleveland 'dentist, it while plying his' avocaMart of tion a lady around the customer mouth recently, was seized gith notional insanity, and kissed her. She was not 80 far under the influence of ether but that Let the shock revived her, and the tooth carpenter loaned her husband atDodd ty the dollars next on day long besides time making no. charge for Smith; his work. two and a half hours' del vi.

Ladies' Kid Button Boots: Ladies' Fine Goat Button Boots. 4.60 Ladies' Goat Marie Antoinette. 1.00 The 30 Slippers are very none better for the prizes can be found in the city. SMITH, DODD 226 SUPERIOR STREET. SAFES, DiED.

-William H. Perry, March, 29th, 1876, at Bristol, Addison county, Vermont. SAFES Fire and Burglar Proof Sates, Vault Work and House Safes, Combination Bank Locks, Drawer and Door Locks. Hall's Safe and Lock 1 103 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. Safe Manny to Ardor HILDREN'S Something De A The We Adjus contiol le this Body Perambulator.

make. 1. A. G. FIRST EDITION.

SECOND EDITION. 1 O'CLOCK P. M. The Pacific Mail Company Brought to a Standstill. A Panama Railroad Order Did It.

"Miles O'Reilly's Daughter Swindled Out of $40,000. The Russian Press After Disraeli. NEW YORK. Hard on Pacific Mail. NEW YORK, April effect of the recent notice of the Panama Rail Road: Co.

to the Pacific Mail Steamship announcing that hereafter local rates, payable in advance, would be charged on all Pacific Mail freight going over the railroad, has been to stop business at the wharves of 1 the Pacific Mail company, whose employes are being discharged." Barrett the Betrayer of Trusts. NEW YORK, April behalf of Ialpine, daughter of the late Charles Ialpine (Miles O'Reily), all of William C. Barrett's property that can be found has been attached. The fugitive lawyer was custodian of Miss alpine's estate, and. by his dishonesty the property thus intrusted, in amount about $10,000, is lost.

After his recent departure for Europe it was found that the property had been appropriated entirely by him. His method in general has been to induce Miss Ialpine to sign assignments ignorantly, and then to sell the property. CABLE NEWS. Bullion. lion LONDON, gone into April the Bank of utount England of bul- on balance to-day is £68,000.

Resignation of Sir Henry Ialford. Sir Henry Halford has resigned the taincy of the British National Rifle Team: The Russian Press and Disraeli. Russian press severely citicizes Disraeli's remarks in the debate on the Royal titles bill. It says that Russia's conquest of Tartary is well known throughout India, and the Queen's assumption of the title of Empress of India would be received as a sign of our determination to maintain the Indian empire. The Bromerhaven Fiend.

LONDON, April, second report of the result of the investigation into the Dymnamite explosion, at; some months ago, is published. It mentions that three cases of furs, shipped, at. Boston, by "James were uninHalifax in the a missing steamer, City of sured. THE WEATHER. General Probabilities.

WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, April 5 A. M. For Tennessee and the Ohio valley, warmer southwest winds and falling bar ometer, followed rapidly by rising barometer, colder and brisk northwest winds and clear Weather. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, diminishing northwest winds, stationary or rising barometer, and colder clear weather, followed spidly by warmer easterly winds. For the upper lake region, falling, followed by rising barometer, war ner southerly winds, veering to colder westerly and rain or snow, clearing away Wednesday night.

For the lower lake region, southwest winds, vecring to cooler westerly" falling barometer, warmer, cloudy and rainy weather, and possibly severe local storms. The Mississippi will continue above the danger line from Cairo to Vicksburg. Now York Money and Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 5. Money 3 per cent.

Gold Sterling Exchange Bonds dull and steady. State Bonds quiet anh pries nominal Stocks dull and lower. Western Cleveland Pitta ..96 Pacitic Nor Adars' Express Co.108 (Northwestern pret 62 Wells, Fargo Col. American Express. Rock U.

8. Express St. New York St. Paul preferred.67¼ Toledo Erie preferred. 33 Toledo Wab.

pref. Fort. Harlem 126 Hannibal St. Joe .16 Union Pacific 63 Lake Atlantic Pac Tel 18 Illinois Veniral ...98, Missouri GOVERNMENT of 1881 1224; call bonds 609 do. of '07 do of '68 new 1040 Liverpool Market.

LIVERPOOL April 5 D. In. -Flour $228 spring wheat 830939d: red winter white do. club 10s2d 1069d. Corn 278.

Oats 3641. Barley 396d. Peas 438. Beef 00g. Bacon 590 60g.

Porz 8356d. Lard New York Market. NEW YORE. April m. -Wheat quiet; Chicago $1,2301,26: Muwartee winter $1,2501.45 Corn quiet at new quiet at Chicago Chicago Market.

CHICAGO. April 5. -Wheat quiet at seller April; seller May. Corn qulet at seller May; seller July. Oats dull at seller April; seller May.

Pork dull at $22,50 seller May: $22,85 seller June Lard lower at seller May; $14 02 seller June. BOOKS. COBB, ANDREWS 00. 3 5 BLANK BOOKS. A full line constantly on hand.

We hare erery facility for doing first class PRINTING, RULING and BINDING, and manufacture Blank Books to order in the best style. 8 OFFICE STATIONERY. Everything necessary, for office uso. on hand. COBB, ANDREWS 813 and 315 Euclid Avenue: mh31 SEEDS.

Chandler' Son a 1 1 1 1 7 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Garden, Field and Flower i SEEDS. 1 1-009 are now prepared to fill orders from our large and carefully selected stock of Seeds of the growth of 1375. We would call special attention to our choice selection of Garden Peas. Our genuine Danver 8 Onion Seed and choice Top and Bottom Onion Sets, whica we are offering at low prices. 1.

We have also the true Jersey Sweet Potatoes for Seed. We also sell Guano, Phosphate, Bone Dust and the best York State Land Plaster. 3. Call or send for Catalogue. 10.

CHANDLER SON. Corner of Ontario and Champlain Streets, mh18 tw Cleveland Ohio. PRESCRIPTION FREE the speedy cure of Seminal Weakness, Lo anhood and all disorders brought on by indiscr on or excess. Any Druggist has the ing elion ddress HILTON 00.1. bio.

THIRD EDITION 3 O'clock- P. 1 Robbery. and Murder at Spring Creek. Suicide of Ex-Governor Warmoth's Secretary. The London Times and the Winslow Case.

ALBANY. Inspecting the Fast Mail. ALBANY, April General Jewell left on the fast mail this morning, intending to go through to Chicago inspecting the working of the fast mail sgstem. WASHINGTON. Babco*ck and Lucker.

WASHINGTON, April 5. -General Babco*ck, Secretary: Chandler and Colonel Luckey are before the investigating com-. mittee on Expenditures in the War Department. Zach. Denies.

Secretary Chandler' 1s' giving a specific denial to Detective Bell's evidence so far as it relates to himself. ST. LOUIS. The Local Election. ST.

Louis, April the thirteen aldermen voted for yesterday the Democrats elected six, Republicans four, and Independents three. The latter, however, are also Democrats. Of the nine school directors the Democrats elected five, and the Republicans four. The People's charter ticket for free-holders has a large majority. Suicide.

Barton Kendrick, formerly secretary to Governor Warmouth, of Louisiana, was found dead in his room last eveniny, with an empty chloroform battle at his side. Robbery and Murder. The store of M. W. Freeman, at Spring Creek, Phelps county, was robbed last Saturday night or Sunday.

Freeman and several others started in pursuit of the thieves, and at a point several miles distant overtook William J. Bradford, having in charge some of the booty. Mr. M. Freeman and his brother, R.

D. Freeman, were in advance of the rest and in the attempt to capture Bradford were shot and killed. Bradford escaped and at last account had 1 not been captured. 1 CABLE NEWS. The Winslow Case.

ing, referring to the case of 7 Winslow, says LONDON, April -The Times this mornthat after two months, from the date of commital, Winslow will be entitled to his discharge, unless the judges hold that the sufficient events cause which have occurred constitute to the contrary, meaning of the twelfth section of extradition act. Whether Winslow is to be given up or not must depend upon whether the range to restrict the charges upon which United States government will or can arhe is tried so as to satisfy the extradition act. We can have no wish to give shelter to an American criminal, but of course our law must be obeyed by our own executive, and strong grounds have to be shown before we should alter our law on a point where it has been solemnly recognized. by many treaties. The truth is, our extradition treaty with the United States is very insuflicient, and negotiations have long been going on for its improvement, and it is to be hoped that the present complications will hasten them; meanwhile, it will be remembered, all we ask is reciprocity, for already, by our own act, we could not try an English forger, surrendered by the United States, except for the extradition crime which might be proved by the facts established in America.

It is a matter of wonder that this question has not arisen before, but now that it has been raised our government would appear to no discretion in the matter. PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island Election. PROVIDENCE, April election in this state is progressing quietly, and the vote is light. The latest reports indicate that Republican candidate for Governor, will have a majority over both his opponents.

CHICAGO. Property Forfeited. CHICAGO, April 5. -The property of the South Branch Distilling company, owned Haas, Powell has been declared forfeited to government. Simon Powell pleaded guilty this morning of a spiracy to defraud the government, and the indictment as to the other members of the firm wits dismissed.

West Cleveland Election. The following oficers have been elected in the village of West Cleveland: Members of th3 Council -Oliver Alger, Henry Lower and Pendleton G. Watmough. For Marshal -John Bell. Water Works Trustees- Jacob Mueller, one year; George H.

SaiTord, two years; W. Herrick, three years. 3 hundred and forty-one tramps were fed at the Bethal yesterday. -At two p. m.

to-day, the complete returns of all the wards Lad not yet been received at the City Clerk's office. The vote for Justices of the Peace and Constables is not complete. 'The ballot boxes of the First, Seventh and Thirteenth wards had not been received at t.he above office at the hour nanied. i. New York Market.

NEW YORK, April 5. -Cotton dull at for middling uplands American standard of classification. Flour quiet and prices still in buyers' favor; receipts 11.000 bbls; gales 10.000 0.000 bbls at $5 for Extra State and western: 7.00 for round hoop Ohio. Rye Flour steady at $4.0005,15. Wheat dull and in buyers' favor; receipts 25.000 bush; sales bush at 1.14 tor No.

3 Chicago: for No. 3 Milwaukee; for No. 2 Chicago; 1.38 for No. 2 Milwaukee: for No. 1 spring: for new and old winter red, western; $1,2501.45 for ao amber western; $1,35 for white western.

Rye scarce and firm; sales 8,000 western first half June at 86c. Corn very scarce and prices a shade firmer; receipts $11,000 sales 16.000 bush as for new western mixed and yellow; for old mixed western. Barley dull and declining. Oats dull; receipts 26.000 bush: sales 21.000 bush at for new mixed western and state: 450 50c mess. for Lard white do.

heavy. Pork at heavy at $23,20 for for new steam and $14,25 for kettle rendered. Whisky quiet at $1,12. Petroteum-Crude refined 156. Buffalo Market.

BUFFALO. April dull and neglected. Corn quiet: sales 6 cars new No. 2 western at 60g on track. Oats Rye and Barley no sales.

Prices nominally unchanged. Cincinnati Market. April 5. -Provisiona-Pork easier at Lard easier: steam Bulk Meats gniett; shoulders clear rib clear Bacon quiet at and Toledo Market. TOLEDO.

April steady. Wheat dull; No. 2 white Wabash No. 1 white Michigan extra do amber Michigan $1,26 asked, bid. Corn steady; high mixed spot.

seller May 530: seller June 51c; low mixed no grade 52c. Oats qiuet; No. 2 spot 36c; seller May white Michigan 36c. Clover Seed $9,25, 2 Detroit Market. DETROIT, April steady at Wheat opened firm, but closed weak at lower; extra No.

1 $1.32 cash and so ler April; No. 2 No. 1 amber $1,28.. :1 mi Chicago Market. Cricigo, April 6 -Wheat heavy and lower st 1.06⅝ seller cash; Mav.

Corn easier seller at 46c cash; April; seller May. Arm at 80c cash. Pork wead at Oats weak at seller $22.25 Aprit. cash; Barley seller May. Lard lower at cash: seller May.

4 O'CLOCK P. M. A Post Office Muddle at St. Louis. 5 Beginning of the Impeachment Trial.

Joseph Perran Testifies. April' 5. -Joseph Perran, cashier of the National Park Bank; New York, was examined in relation to the 80. count of George H. Pendleton.

said the account was closed up and the checks, papers, transferred to the National Commercial Bank in Cincinnati; which was the extent of his knowledge in the matter. 1: Contested Seats. The election committee of the House beard reports of the in the case of Lemoine vs. Farwell in the Third district of Illinois, and will decide the case Saturday. It is understood a majority of the sub committee favor: giving the seat to Lemoine, the Democratic contestant.

The Spencer The Committee on Privileges and Elec. tions decided not 'to admit in 'evidence, being irrelevant, a number of letters submitted by the counsel for the memorialis's in the Spencer The letters were written by Spencer to I Robert Barbour and other political friends, in Alabama. Meigs Examiued Quartermaster General Meigs was before the House Committee on Military -Affairs this morning, and examined concerning the removal of the Quartermaster General's oftioe to the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Fifteenth street. He thought there was no occasion for the removal, and if he had been here he should have objected to it. The cost of fitting up the new building for an office, expense of removal, and the cost of restoring the old office to iis original condition made a great bill, while no advantages were gained by the change.

General Logalls had expressed his mortitcation at the expense being much larger than be had anticipa'ed. Trenor W. Park's Testimony. Trenor W. Park Testified before the Committee on Foreign Affairs to relating the circ*mstances attending the purchase of the Emma Mine by himself, Baxter and others.

During their examination of the mine, previous to the purchase, be gathered specimens of ore and took them to the assay oflice at Salt Lake, where he learned the die would pay $120 a tou or £37 sterling, if delivered in Log: land. Shortly after his arrival Fisher and. Contes wanted to buy the mine without delay. They said they already knew about' its value from the sales of ore from it that had been made in England. lIe thought this wa going rather far, but.

atter. honestly telling Contes of he did' not mine know but the present condition the' could only vouch for its past condition, he finally yiel'ed to. the urgent request of Coaies to name' his figures and told him he would sell for A 000 in cash for onehalf and £500,000 a fully paid up shares for the other half. told Coates that he of course expected be purchase would be contingent upon a sat. factory report on the mine, to be made by some scientific expert or experts of the purchaser's own selectior.

Subsequently Coates And the Silliman Euglish parties represented selected Iron. to examine and report upon the Park did not suggest Silliman's name or mention him at all. Coates told the witness that Silliman was selected as being the Sir Robert Maunchausen of. America. Park inquired of Jay Cooke, McCullock and as to the ability of Coates and partner to carry through the arrangment? for the purchase which they had agreed, to the moment he named the figures above," and was told it was doubtful if they could' carry it They had the.

famous: Albert Grant at their back. The witness did not know whether it spr5 was 80 or not. PHILADELPHIA. Darkness Averted. PHILADELPHIA, April announce.

ment was published yesterday by Post Master Fairman, that tho post would be closed at dark last night, and business, therefore, suspended, until to-day owing to, there being no available means-of lightingthe building under Secretary Bristow's instructions. Late yesterday afternoon, however, the published announcement that he. had accepted an offer made by Peter, Wright Sons, and several other firms topay the expenses of keeping the oftice as usual during the ensuing week. The post oflice was accordingly open and busis ness transacted regularly last night. 1 Much inconvenience has been felt here? owing to the irregularity and detention of the mail from other offices which have: been unable to transact night business.

Obituary. 17 Hon. Theodore Cuyler, an eminent member of the Philadelphis bar, died at his res-: idence from the effects of a carbuncle on his face. Mr. Cuyler was a native of Poughkeepsie, York, was fifty-three years of; age, and was admitted to the bar in 1849t For the past seventeen years he has been; the principal counsel for the Pennsylvania; railroad company.

He was one of the projectors of Fairmount Park, and as a commissioner ever since the commis-2 sion was -He was several times nominated for Congress aud the State Leg-1 islature, but always declined." meeting of the bar to take action ret garding his death will be held to PIRAS CABLE Depression of Stocks. 41 30 LONDON, April the Stock -There is Exchange, considera. and ble speculative depression on securities are declining under the pressure. LONDON, April 5-6 p. dull but -Business the de- on the pression stock was exchange less marked than in the closed noon.

CONGRESSIONAL 'R WASHINGTON, April Senate-Mr. Edmunds submitted a an committeel. order? to providing wait upon for the Chief Justice or any associate appointment of justice of the the Supreme Senate Court, chamber and at one invite o'clock Him? to to attend administer the oath required in the matter in of the impeachment of W. Belknap, late Secretary of o'clock War. Chief Agreed Justice to.

Waite, of the At Supreme appeared in the Senate, acone companied by escorted Senators to a seat Edmunds at the and right Thur-. of man, and was the The President following oath tem. was then first who to were Mr. called Ferry' the Secretary in alphabet-: and then to the Senators, ical You order, do in solemuly' group as of swear that in all things six: of W. appertaining W.

to Belknap, the. late Secretary, of War, trial of the impeachments now pending, you will be of impartial the judges, After according the to oath had been administered the the constitution Chief Justice retired, and Mr. Frelingbuysen submitted an order instructing the- Secretary. of the Senate to notify the House of Reprefor sentatives the trial of impeachment of W. W.

Belkthat the Senate is now organized late Secretary of War, impeachment and ready on to the renap, part ceive of the the House managers of Representatives. Agreed to. -Mr. Stevenson offered a resolution Committee on the additional District of directing the to inquire whether accommodations are required in the District: Mr. Referred.

offered a resolution directing the Secretary of itemized the Treasury account to of the amount furnish the House expended with under the item of $300,000 an priated for 30th, light and 1576, fuel for Adopted, the ty fiscal year ending June Highwines NEW TORE, April 5. -Whisky $1,12.4 CINCINNATI, Loris, April April 5. -Whisky firm nominal at at $1.06. $1,08. 4 Sr.

CHicago, April tat.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Cleveland Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

Who owns the Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer
Front page for April 13, 2023
Owner(s)Advance Publications (Newhouse Newspapers)
HeadquartersPlain Dealer Publishing Co 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 U.S. 41°30′25.5″N 81°40′47.2″W
Circulation94,838 Daily 171,404 Sunday
5 more rows

What is the history of the Cleveland newspaper? ›

The paper was founded by Edward W. Scripps as the Penny Press in 1878. It was the first newspaper in what would become the Scripps-Howard chain. The name that was shortened to the Press in 1884, before finally becoming the Cleveland Press in 1889.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most circulated newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 30 newspapers in Ohio sorted by circulation
1The Communicator NewsColumbus, OH
2The Toledo BladeToledo, OH
3The Plain DealerBrooklyn, OH
4Catholic TelegraphCincinnati, OH
26 more rows

Is The Plain Dealer still in circulation? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

How old is the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The PLAIN DEALER was founded as a weekly newspaper on 7 Jan. 1842 by JOSEPH WM. GRAY (1813-62) and became an evening daily on 7 Apr. 1845.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Who named Cleveland Ohio? ›

Establishment. Cleveland was established on July 22, 1796, by surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company when they laid out Connecticut's Western Reserve into townships and a capital city. They named the settlement "Cleaveland" after their leader, General Moses Cleaveland, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War.

What is Cleveland Ohio historically known for? ›

Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836. Aided by its proximity to rail and water routes and natural resources like iron and oil, the City of Cleveland served as a central hub for industrial growth, commerce, and trade throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

Who came up with the land for Cleveland? ›

There's no clear origin for the term "The Land" as a nickname for Cleveland. But clearly it was bubbling in the underground of the city's hip-hop culture during the early 1990s and made its way into the mainstream in 1995. That's when hip-hop group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony released its classic studio album "E.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

What is the largest size of newspaper? ›

A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages, typically of 22.5 inches (57 cm). Other common newspaper formats include the smaller Berliner and tabloid–compact formats.

What size media market is Cleveland? ›

Top U.S. TV markets: Cleveland-Akron-Canton moves up a spot to 18th
RankDesignated Market Area% of US
18Cleveland- Akron (Canton)1.318
19Orlando- Daytona Beach- Melbourne1.315
20Sacramento- Stockton- Modesto1.191
21St. Louis1.074
113 more rows
Sep 8, 2015

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
2The Asahi ShimbunJapan
4Dainik BhaskarIndia
16 more rows

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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