Will 2,4-D on a Pasture Hurt Grazing Cattle? (2024)

Using 2,4-D on pasture is a great way to get rid of unwanted weeds.

Many farmers use it to maintain pastures and keep everything in order.

However, there are some guidelines on how long to wait before letting livestock graze in the treated area.

This makes many wonder if 2,4-D on a pasture will hurt grazing cattle.

How long to keep grazing cattle off of 2,4-D treated pasture depends on the specific product. Consult the label for exact timelines. General guidelines involve keeping dairy cattle on treated pasture for 7 days and removing meat cattle 3 days before slaughter. Don’t harvest hay for 14-30 days.

Treating pasture for weeds and other pests is essential for taking care of grazing lands.

Using 2,4-D will help manage weeds but does it harm grazing cattle?

Let’s look into specifics about using 2,4-D on pastures where cattle graze.

Will 2,4-D on a Pasture Hurt Grazing Cattle? (1)

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How Long Should I Keep The Cattle Off Of Pasture Treated With 2,4-D?

Grazing restrictions for cattle on 2,4-D treated pasture depend widely on the herbicide label.

Read the labels thoroughly to determine when your cattle are safe to graze after herbicide treatment.

Herbicide residue sticks around for a bit, and while there are many benefits of herbicide products, it is vital to adhere to herbicide restrictions to keep your cattle safe.

This is especially important for dairy cattle and beef cattle kept for milk production and meat production as the herbicide may affect the products from your herd.

The herbicide product label will give you a better timeline for allowing your cattle to graze pasture after herbicide activity.

When you talk to many buyers about herbicides, they each have specific guidelines for preventing herbicide damage to their cattle herds.

Some will not remove cattle from pasture at all, while others will wait longer than the recommended time to ensure no residual herbicide activity is present.

As general guidelines, it’s best to keep dairy cattle off of pasture after 2,4-D chemical control treatments for one week.

Many weed control folks find this adequate time for the herbicide control method to be safe enough for them to graze.

Keeping meat cattle off the pasture is also essential after using the 2,4-D method of control for weeds is also important.

This way, farmers’ crops will be protected from weeds but not affect the cattle.

How Long To Wait Before Harvesting Cattle-Feed Hay

Spraying broadleaf and sensitive crops with 2,4-D will help keep weeds at bay.

Sometimes herbicide drift spreads to neighboring farms, which is an important consideration.

While 2,4-D may be an economical weed control option, it is important to know the timelines for essential things like grazing and harvesting hay.

If you use herbicide treatment for grass hayfields, ensure you weed control folks wait 14-30 days after spraying before harvesting.

After this time, the herbicide-applied fields will be safe to harvest.

Hay is essential to livestock performance and health as it is a vital part of a cattle diet.

However, residual herbicide activity stays in the hay after harvesting.

The breakdown of plant residues may negatively affect other plants.

This is why it is crucial to consider these considerations before control methods are implemented on grass pastures and hayfields.

If you use chemical herbicide on your pastures, it is imperative to be transparent if anyone is buying the hay from you.

Some people do not like to use chemical herbicides on the food their livestock eats, so it is essential to let them know what is on the hay they are purchasing.

Some people will also use hay for other applications on their farm, and the herbicides present in the hay may negatively affect the crops they use the hay near.

Make sure to wait the correct length of time indicated on the product label before harvesting or selling hay from pasture treated with 2,4-D.

How Long To Wait To Slaughter Meat Cattle After 2,4-D

Like dairy cattle, there is usually a timeline for how long to wait to slaughter meat cattle after grazing on herbicide-treated grass pastures.

For meat cattle, it’s best to wait at least 3 days for cattle grazing before slaughtering.

This will allow some time for the residual herbicide activity to decrease in the cattle before they are processed.

It’s best to set aside some sectioned-off non-treated grass hayfields for cattle either kept for milk production or slaughtered soon.

This way, they still have a place to eat to keep cattle performance high without a graze on herbicide-applied fields.

Alternatives To 2,4-D On Cattle Pasture

While 2,4-D may be one of the more popular herbicide product names, there are some other options to use.

There are some alternatives for 2,4-D, so you don’t have to deal with negative effects on cattle performance while protecting farmers’ crops.

Let’s look at some alternatives to satisfy your cattle questions about treating grass pastures.

Grazing Management

You may wonder what farmers did to protect their grain crops from weeds before introducing chemical herbicides.

Many of them became very experienced with grazing management practices.

Cattle love to eat grass clippings and weeds.

If you rotate the herd correctly, you’ll control weeds without using potentially harmful chemicals which tend to end up in livestock manure, cow milk, and beef.

Related Reading: Why do cows eat so much grass in the first place?

Manual Weed Control

Manual weed control does involve a lot more labor than chemical options.

You’ll need to manually pull out unwanted broadleaf weeds.

Timing this right is very important.

If you pull weeds at the right time, you’ll be able to stop the plant’s seed production from further spreading the unwanted weeds and broadleaf plants.

While pulling a tow-behind sprayer with 2,4-D on a pasture is much less work, you won’t have to worry about chemicals becoming absorbed into your cattle through grazing.

You also won’t have to wait before allowing your cattle to graze after administering this natural broadleaf weed control method.

Related: Will liming a pasture hurt grazing cattle?

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Will 2,4-D on a Pasture Hurt Grazing Cattle? (2024)


Can you spray 2,4-D where cattle are grazing? ›

It is concluded from these data that the amount of 2,4-D that might be consumed by cows or sheep from pasturage sprayed with this material to kill weeds would not be injurious.

How long after 2,4-D can livestock graze? ›

2,4‐D and dicamba are commonly applied to grass pastures to control broadleaf weeds, and most herbicides containing these active ingredients have a 0 day grazing restriction. However, we recommend waiting 7 days after application to resume grazing as a precaution.

Does 2,4-D have grazing restrictions? ›

When used as a basal soil treatment, there is no restriction on grazing by domestic animals nor on cutting surrounding vegetation for hay. Weedmaster* dicamba + 2,4-D broadleaf weeds Non-lactating animals: Remove meat (1.0 lb./gal.

Is 2,4-D harmful to cattle? ›

Animals given large oral doses of 2,4-D showed harmful effects on the blood, liver, kidney, and thyroid gland. These doses were generally much higher than levels usually found in the environment.

What is the best herbicide for grazing pastures? ›

Use of 2,4-D and dicamba for pasture weed control As mentioned previously, a combination of 2,4-D and dicamba is the standard herbicide treatment for controlling most broadleaf weeds in permanent grass pastures.

How long after spraying can you graze? ›

Both silage and grazing paddocks can be sprayed before grazing or harvesting. Spraying should be carried out 7-10 days before harvest- ing silage or 5-7 days before graz- ing.

How long should I wait to cut grass after spraying 2,4-D? ›

You should wait to mow for 24 to 48 hours post treatment. This is because it takes at least 24 hours for broadleaf weed control to translocate throughout the vascular system of the plant. If you cut the grass too soon, you're not letting the herbicide get into the plant.

Can cattle eat grass sprayed with Roundup? ›

Depending on application, cattle can graze on treated pastures with no restriction on time (depending on dose) or up to a 7-d restriction. Yet, because glyphosate kills growing grass, most pastures are rarely, if ever, treated. Therefore, the majority of grass fed to cattle would have no residue since it is untreated.

How long before 2/4-d is rainfast? ›

You would want to wait at least 24 hours after an application of the Amine 400 2,4-D herbicide before rain or irrigation occurs or resumes.

How many acres will 2.5 gallons of 2,4-D cover? ›

For use in ornamental turfgrass such as home lawns, use 2 pints per Acre for annual broadleaf weeds, and 2 – 3. 15 pints per Acre for biennial and perennial weeds. So the 2. 5 gallons would treat 6 – 10 Acres.

How much 2,4-D per gallon for pasture? ›

The mixing ratios will vary according to where you are treating and what you are treating for. According to the Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer product label: For Spot treatment in non-crop areas: Use 1 pint in 3 gallons of water or 4 oz. in 3/4 gallon in a hand sprayer. In pastures and range land: Use 3 to 4 oz.

Are there grazing restrictions with Pasturegard? ›

Grazing green forage: • There are no grazing restrictions for livestock or dairy animals on treated areas. Haying (harvesting of dried forage): • Do not harvest hay within 14 days after application.

Can you graze cattle after spraying 2,4-D? ›

For example, lactating dairy cows are not to graze herbicide-applied fields for seven days, hay is not to be harvested for 14 to 30 days (depending on the product), and meat animals should be removed three days before slaughter.

Why is 2,4-D banned? ›

2,4-D generally has moderate toxicity to birds and mammals, is slightly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates, and is practically nontoxic to honeybees. The ester forms of 2,4-D can be highly toxic to fish and other aquatic life.

How long does 2,4-D stay in soil? ›

Dicamba and 2,4-D typically persist in the soil for a month or less. Therefore, the primary concern would come from foliar contact with drift. There are other herbicides that can persist in the soil for a year or more (Derr et al.

Can cattle graze after spraying Roundup? ›

Grazing and harvesting an area for feed following herbicide use often is prohibited because research on residue levels is inadequate. The effect of the chemical or its breakdown products on livestock or retention in the animal's body may not be known.

How do you control weeds in cattle pasture? ›

Walking your pastures often is another key to weed control. This is the best way to catch weed problems before they become serious. Weeds should be hoed, pulled, or cut before they set seed and spread. Mowing is another option for weed control in pastures.

How do you mix 2,4-D for pasture? ›

According to the Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer product label, in pastures and range land: Use 1 gallon in 15 gallons of water; or small areas, use 3 to 4 fluid ounces (6 to 8 Tablespoons) … The mixing ratios will vary according to where you are treating and what you are treating for.

Can cattle graze after spraying Grazon? ›

GrazonNext HL herbicide has no grazing restrictions for any class of livestock, including lactating dairy cows, horses (including lactating mares) and meat animals prior to slaughter.

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